4. Figure 6 shows that the fonts file called Fonts has been opened. Notice that more than one font can be in a fonts file. Showing in Figure 6 is a list of fonts (on the left) that are in the System file and a list of fonts in the file Fonts (on the right). The point size that is available for each font is the number located to the right of the font name. The example shows Helvetica 18. If you had opened a System file from a different disk, then the fonts in that System file would be listed on the right instead of the fonts in the fonts file.
5. To transfer a font from one file to another, select the font that you want to transfer. The font name will be highlighted. The font that I want to transfer from the System to the Fonts file is Boston 9. It is highlighted. Notice that the arrows on the Copy dialog box point to the right. That means that the font will be copied from the list on the left side to the list and file on the right side. If you wanted to move a font from the list on the right side (in other words, if I wanted to move Helvetica 18 from the Fonts file to the System, the arrows would be pointing to the left).
6. Notice also the Remove dialog box. If you want to completely remove a font from this disk, then you would click on remove.
7. At the bottom of figure 6, there is an example of what Boston 9 looks like. There is also an indication of how much room the font takes up and how
much space is left on the disk. Each time you select a font, an
example and size of that font will be indicated on the bottom of